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Mass Spectrometry Detection


MiQ-1400 Mass Detection

Combining the vacuum system electronics and computer inside one box, our patented MiQ® -1400 products and integrated software provide immediate insights into biological or chemical samples and reactions. This enable users to make quick decisions in real-time to optimise conditons and control process more easily.
     Reliable, robust and user-friendly, the MiQ® -1400 can be installed where no other mass spectrometer can be easily deployed, all while retaining the performance of a conventional mass spectrometer system.
> Small footprint enables deployment anywhere within laboratory or processing facilities
> Fully integrated system, with no external vacuum pumps, and no external PC
> Easy to use, simply “plug and play”consumables
> Single quadrupole with a mass range of 1400 m/z

Mass Spectrometry Detection Catalogue download

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